Tag: Kraft

Kraft Frozen Mac and Cheese Review

Kraft Frozen Mac and Cheese Review

I try to stay on top of mac and cheese news, but Kraft dropped a new frozen mac and cheese and I missed it. Luckily for all of us, I’m on their email list and discovered it that way. Preparation Instructions Kraft offers both microwave …Read More

The Great Kraft Mac and Cheese Showdown

The Great Kraft Mac and Cheese Showdown

Years ago I read that Kraft Mac and Cheese shapes taste better than their standard elbow. Logically, this makes sense. Why wouldn’t mac and cheese taste better shaped as basketballs over of boring tubes? Characters tend to have more ridges creating pockets to better hold …Read More

Kraft Pizza Flavor Boost Mac and Cheese

Kraft Pizza Flavor Boost Mac and Cheese

Back in November, Kraft dropped theme boxes to launch their new seasoning packs. Each box contained wearable swag, a box of Kraft mac and cheese, and a seasoning packet. My obsessive stalking of their social media proved fruitful and I was able to snag a …Read More